Waste Sorting Plant

A Waste Sorting Plant is a system of technical equipment for the disposal of waste that fills landfills and the creation of new products from the resulting raw materials.

Mattress Shredding and Separation EquipmentMattress Shredding and Separation Equipment

Mattress shredding and separation equipment is essential for effective recycling of old mattresses. The process of shredding and separating mattress materials improves the efficiency of recycling and enables the recovery of valuable components. Here's why breaking down and sorting mattresses is crucial for recycling, and an overview of the key equipment used: mattress shredders and magnetic separators.Why Shredding and Separation Facilitate Better RecyclingVolume Reduction: Shredding mattresses reduces their volume, making them easier to handle, transport, and store. This volume reduction is crucial for efficient waste management and processing.Enhanced Sorting: Once shredded, mattresses can be more easily separated into their individual components. This separation is essential because mattresses are made from diverse materials such as metal springs, foam, fabric, and wood, each requiring different recycling processes.Simplified Processing: Shredded materials can be processed more efficiently than whole

The Working Principle of Wind Sifter Separator

The working principle of the wind sifter separator is mainly based on the difference in suspension speed between materials and impurities. It generates strong airflow, effectively sorting out disorderly materials while removing light impurities and dust, as well as removing some heavier impurities such as stones and soil blocks. The wind sifter separator is composed of a supply air system, a return air system, a conveying system, etc. The supply air system and return air system interact to form a regular air flow inside the box, driving lighter materials to be transported forward to the feeding hopper of the conveying system. There are two core elements to achieve its functionality in design:1,High speed airflow blows out light matter;2,Settle and collect light substances through various means.Based on the analysis of the above two points, the influencing factors include wind speed, air volume, particle size, thickness, and light material filtration.

The Necessity of Decoration Waste Classification

With the rapid development of domestic socio -economic development and the acceleration of urbanization, people's material foundations are continuously enriched, and more and more garbage, especially in building decoration, has become the main obstacle to the people's quality of life.The advantages of decorating garbage classification are also obvious. The main reason is to use the decoration garbage classification equipment to deal with resource treatment of domestic garbage, accurately classify urban domestic waste, and then adopt appropriate treatment methods according to their different properties to enable them to recycle. Professionals can achieve harmless garbage, reduce the number, and convert damage into profits. It can also reduce human demand for natural resources and achieve sustainable use of resources. Therefore, the development prospects of construction waste classification equipment are very broad. In addition, materials with strong adaptability, high viscosity, high humidity, dirty, and

Waste Picking Station for SaleWaste Picking Station for Sale

The sorting of mixed solid waste remains a challenge. GEP ECOTECH is committed to reducing the number of workers in waste management by developing and implementing advanced technologies. However, new technologies often come with various uncertainties. At the same time, due to better sorting results or lower labor costs, manual sorting is still the first choice in many projects.The waste picking station or manual sorting platform is a modular enclosed unit that can be seamlessly integrated with various waste disposal production lines. It provides workers with a safe and comfortable working environment, allowing for flexible adaptation to different waste management processes.GEP ECOTECH designs and manufactures customized waste picking stations, mobile or fixed, number of stations, adjustable speed conveyors, air conditioning and other customization options.We also provide a variety of mature mechanical sorting equipment that can work together with waste picking stations to reduce workers' workload and ensure

The Use of Trommel Screen for Sorting Organic Residue Contaminants in PlasticThe Use of Trommel Screen for Sorting Organic Residue Contaminants in Plastic

Plastic waste management has become a significant environmental concern globally. Sorting plastic waste effectively is crucial to promote recycling and minimize pollution. This article aims to provide an optimized approach for utilizing a trommel screen to separate organic residue contaminants from plastic waste. The trommel screen, a cylindrical device with various-sized openings, can facilitate efficient separation while minimizing contamination.Proper Trommel Screen Sizing:To optimize the separation process, it is essential to select an appropriate trommel screen size. The trommel screen's length, diameter, and the size of the openings should correspond with the specific plastic waste composition and the targeted organic residue contaminants. Conduct thorough analysis and consider the particle size distribution of the waste to determine the optimal screen parameters.Pre-Screening and Sorting:Before introducing the plastic waste into the trommel screen, it is advisable to pre-screen and sort the waste

AIShred MSW Technology: Turn Waste Into High-quality FuelAIShred MSW Technology: Turn Waste Into High-quality Fuel

Facts: Municipal solid waste contains a large amount of high calorific value components, which will not be effectively utilized if the waste is directly incinerated or filled up. Through the existing thermal power plants, thermal power plants, cement plants for coupling power generation, co-disposal, combined with RDF fuel briquetting production technology, without landfill, without large investment in the construction of waste incineration power plant, urban household waste, industrial solid waste can be "harmless, reduction, resource, energy" comprehensive use of treatment applications. As MSW is incinerated directly as a solid fuel without treatment, the following main problems often exist.the organic matter in the waste is highly perishable, making transportation and storage more difficult.the waste is characterized by large fluctuations in composition and calorific value, high moisture and ash content, which can easily cause unstable combustionwaste often contains plastic, salt and other chlorine-

Solid Waste Sorting Plant Introduction

Sorting is carried out to segregate the waste into different streams to fulfil one or more of the objectives listed above. Accordingly the waste should be divided into the following streams:Dry RecyclablesConstruction and demolition wasteBiodegradable wasteBulky WasteHazardous wasteMixed MSW (often referred to as comingled waste)Waste Sorting PlantMixed waste should be sorted into the various streams either at a transfer station or at a centralised sorting facility. If this is not feasible, mixed waste can be sent to a waste processing facility which has a well designed pre-sorting/post-sorting facility where the mixed waste can be sorted into separate streams. Mixed waste not found suitable for processing should be landfilled.Waste Sorting Plant ProcessSorting can be carried out manually or through semi-mechanised and fully mechanised systems.Manual Sortingunloading the wastemanually (with protective measures) spreading the wastehand picking (with protective measures) visually identifiable waste for

Domestic Waste Pretreatment Production LineDomestic Waste Pretreatment Production Line

The composition of domestic waste is different in different regions, seasons and periods. It mainly includes kitchen waste, paper waste, waste textile waste, plastic waste, residue waste, waste metal waste and waste glass. At present, in most areas of China, domestic waste is mainly collected in a mixed way without effective classification, so domestic waste will contain a large number of organic components such as kitchen waste, accounting for 50% - 60%. The high content of kitchen waste also leads to the low calorific value of waste in China, which is generally only about 4000-4800kj / kg. This can easily lead to the failure to improve the calorific value of the back-end boiler, and the need to add coal and other combustion aids to improve the calorific value. In view of this situation, AIShred has launched a complete set of domestic waste pretreatment production line, which can fully solve the problem of complex composition of domestic waste, sort out the recyclable materials in the domestic waste for

Municipal Solid Waste Sorting Plant for SaleMunicipal Solid Waste Sorting Plant for Sale

Municipal solid waste sorting plants are designed for the treatment of waste from the residential, commercial and industrial sectors. Contamination levels can be high and some components require special handling. The main sorting operations include screening, magnetic separation and manual sorting. The optical sorting not used because the raw material is usually "dirty". In the mixed waste stream, residues make up approximately 85% of the incoming mixed solid waste. A significant proportion of the residues consists of combustible and biodegradable materials. "Dirty" waste sorting plants are also used to obtain product for composting. However, this compost is of poor quality and this limits the potential market for the product.

Waste Sorting Plant for Sale

The growth of the economy and the improvement of living standardshas led to the generation of a large amount of waste, and at the same time, increasingly strict environmental regulations require us to adopt and change advanced waste management technology. In addition, the use of secondary raw materials obtained from MSW is most relevant in the current depleted state of natural resources. It is also impossible not to consider the issue of waste recycling from an economic point of view. Why throw away waste that can be sorted, recycled and used to produce new products. To better meet these challenges, AIShred offers press equipment to waste collectors and processors. Depending on the amount of pressed material, the time of its arrival and the allotted area, vertical or horizontal presses of different capacities can be used. Our presses allow not only to reduce the amount of waste, but also to present them in the form of neatly packed briquettes of different weights and sizes, which is convenient for storage

WEEE Waste ProcessingWEEE Waste Processing

Electronic waste (WEEE), which contains a wide range of electronic and electrical equipment, is the fastest growing waste stream in the world. E-waste contains many heavy metals and toxic substances, and improper storage and disposal can lead to serious environmental pollution. Countries and international organisations around the world have developed comprehensive laws and regulations for the disposal of e-waste. The shredding of e-waste is the first stage in the environmentally sound treatment and recycling process and is crucial to the efficiency of subsequent treatment GEP ECOTECH has flexible e-waste shredding solutions to facilitate the shredding requirements of disposal units of different sizes and technology routes, and we also offer electromagnetic and eddy current sorting solutions to separate the various valuable metals in e-waste. GEP ECOTECH offers industrial shredders, hammer crushers and pulverizes capable of shredding e-waste down to a minimum of 3mm, suitable for almost all subsequent processi